Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Sister's wedding quilt - the beginning.

Last night, I got an idea for the border of my sister's wedding quilt. My sister likes busy and colorful. Her fiancé perfers simplistic and subdued. She and her fiancé requested a black and white quilt for their wedding. They wanted something simple that featured a damask printed fabric. When I originally sketched out what they wanted, it was merely a rectangle of damask fabric with a thick white border and a skinny black border. That just didn't seem to do it for me as a wedding quilt, so I decided to give them simple, with a little flair around the edges. Here's the sketch I sent them.
But as soon as I finished this sketch, another idea hit me, and I sent them this sketch. They chose sketch number two. Here is the block that will go across the quilt.

(Ignore the bright colors at the top of the picture. That is the end of the string quilt I've been working on for myself. )

It is a 10 inch square and is made with fabrics in my stash. I chose blue because I know my sister likes it and i don't believe her fiancé has an aversion towards it. I think I'll need 10 of them to go across the quilt, so I'll get started on them immediately. I'm hoping I have enough of the black and white fabric to finish the blocks. I can't remember when or where I bought it from and it seems that I cut off the selvage edges and threw them away, so I really have no clue how I would find more of it. Fingers Crossed!!!!

Oh. I should say that I normally don't share gifts on my blog or Facebook until after they're gifted, but since I have involved the receipents in the creative process, I thought that I could blog about it.

Linking up at WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced! (Could someone teach me how to grab that cute button?!)


  1. That looks like it'll be a really striking quilt! Yay, you! :)

  2. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who sketches all my quilts out before diving in :-) That string quilt is looking pretty awesome, too!

  3. Thanks, Alli and Claire! I really appreciate your comments. :)
    Claire, I sketch out my quilts for a couple of reasons, the most practical of which is that I don't have that great of a stash, so I need to know how much fabric to buy. I use my sketch and measurements as a shopping list.

  4. I love this block! The pop of color with the monochromatic fabrics, genius!
