Friday, January 27, 2012

Flirting with an idea...

When I was living in D.C. (and working in VA), there was a homeless man that I would pass every morning on Constitution Ave. He wore layers and layers of clothes, and least two coats, and was always covered by a few ratty blankets. Normally there were no fewer than 10 milk jugs filled with water surrounding him. His grocery cart was filled with his possessions and was parked right beside him on the sidewalk grate that he had claimed as his.

I think about him every winter.

As I look outside at the clouds rolling in and the wind blowing, I'm thinking about all of the hidden homeless where I currently live. You hardly ever see them, but I know they're out there - sleeping under bridges or in abandoned buildings. Some are lucky enough to make it into the one shelter my small town has.

On this dreary day, my brain is focused on color. Color makes me happy. I bet it makes a lot of other people happy too.

In that vain, I'm thinking about making whole cloth quilts for the homeless. "Wholecloth for the Homeless"...that's kinda catchy, right? Maybe I could make some new friends in the quilting blogosphere and they might volunteer to make a few and send them to me? The only rule would be that they have to be bright and cheery and big enough to sleep under.

Hmmm...look for a more formal post on this in the coming weeks. PLEASE comment and let me know what you think.


  1. I think that is a wonderful idea! I have been thinking about doing the same thing, as I have a 23 year old son who is homeless. It breaks my heart! These people are somebody's son. Somebody's brother, maybe even somebody's father or grandfather. I want to learn to crochet/knit so I can make them scarfs and gloves as well. God bless you!

  2. Replies
    1. Your story really touched my heart. I read somewhere (can't remember if it was your site or your comments somewhere else) that he and his girlfriend came home recently. I bet the joy you experienced that day can't be contained in words. I pray that he will continue to stay safe.
      Thanks so much for your willingness to help! Check back in a couple of weeks for an update.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks so much. I hope you'll watch my blog for the launch of this and that you'll spread the word to your quilting friends.
