Friday, January 13, 2012

Anger forced me into action

This week, my best friend shared a story about a one-month-old shaken baby. Dad admitted to shaking little Matthew, and was arrested. When my friend went to visit Matthew in the hospital, she found him all alone and screaming uncontrollably. There was no family to be found. She later learned that mom has been spending a lot of time visiting Dad in jail.

The level of anger that coursed through my veins was incredible. I was angry that anyone would do this to a defenseless child. I was angry that there are people who desperately want a child and can’t have one, but then there are people that have children and abuse them. Mostly, I was angry because there was nothing tangible I could do for little Matthew to make his situation better.

So I prayed for him.

And then I started to quilt.
And in doing so remembered why I call my quilt business “Covered in Love Quilts”.

It's made from my stash. All Kona cotton. Just a blue rectangle with a red border. It’s not my most creative work, but it’s probably one of my most heartfelt.

Matthew is supposed to be discharged to his mother pretty soon. My plan is to finish this over the holiday weekend. Hopefully, this will get to him and bring his little infant soul some comfort.


  1. What a sad situation. It is awful that little Matthew has such a bad start in life, and it probably will hold a lot more trauma as well. I hope that someone will be watching this closely so that he can get some help and hopefully a healthier home. I'm glad that you are aware of him and have taken some action to try to comfort him.

  2. Michelle,
    I have since found out that mom is suffering from post partem, so Matthew is still in my prayers.
    Thanks for visiting my blog. I love your woven block! I think I'm going to try that.

  3. Oh wow, I'm sure he will love it. Covered in Love does it again!
