Thursday, April 4, 2013

I've created a quilter, or two.

I always wanted to learn how to quilt because I intended to make the blanket in which my child was brought home from the hospital.  A few years back, I decided that I shouldn't wait any longer for a baby that may never come, so I dived in and made a few quilts for Christmas gifts that year.  One of those first quilts was for my godchild, Little Miss.
This is her first quilt, "Ladybug".

This is Little Miss on her currently favorite quilt.  She loves it because the quilting is pretty dense and in the shape of flowers.

By my count, Little Miss has four quilts that I have made for her and one that I made for her mom that she has kind of claimed as her own.  She's only four years old and already has told her mom that she will only sleep under a quilt.  Her Mom says that I've created a bit of a quilt monster.  lol.

A couple of years back, my best friend, Little Miss' Mom (LMM), decided that she wanted to learn how to quilt, but she didn't know how to use a sewing machine.  So, one day, we spent the afternoon at my dining room table and I taught her the basics.  She's been making quilts every since.

Recently, Little Miss decided that she wanted to make a quilt and LLM gave her some squares of fabric and allowed her to design the quilt.  LLM sewed it together.  When I got these pictures, my heart melted and my uterus went into contractions. lol.

It was somewhere between the final layout and the spray basting that she said, "This takes a long time, Mommy".    It certainly does, Little Miss, but the finish product is so rewarding, isn't it!  :)

She's getting a Hello Kitty sewing machine for her birthday this year.  LLM and I are beyond excited about teaching her how to sew.

And so, while I haven't had a child of my own to share my love of quilting with, I am overjoyed in the knowledge that Little Miss is learning the craft.


  1. so cute! and it's never too early to learn to sew and quilt!

    1. Brenda, you are so right! I can't wait to see what she makes with her new machine. She lives a flight and a time zone away from me, so I'll have to witness this from afar, but I'm just so excited about it that I could burst.

  2. This is beautiful. You do not have to give birth to have children. Do do not have to have children to leave an imprint on the life of a child. Each of us have a blueprint for life of which we are not always aware. Continue to cover people in love and accept and know that it's apart of your life's blueprint. Love you!

    1. Mom, is this you? If it's not, it certainly sounds like something my mom would say. In fact, it made me a bit teary. Thanks to whoever posted this! :)

  3. How darling!!! And I so agree with you don't have to give birth to have children. Have you ever looked into Project Linus? I think you'd really like it. Seems right up your alley.


    1. I have checked out Project Linus and intend to start donating to them this year. Thanks!

  4. Hello I'm a friend of LMM and LM. I've admired your work and it's absolutely beautiful!!! I've also informed LMM that she should teach a children's quilting class. I definitely plan to learn basic quilting skills from her...Gosh, if LM can do it at 4years old, there's still hope for me!! Keep up the great work for us to admire and appreciate!

    1. Thanks so much for your kind words, Armygirlforlife. Have we ever met?
      LMM would be great at teaching a children's quilting class! I'll have to urge her to do that. :)
      Quilting isn't really hard as long as you can use a sewing machine and sew a seam. I'm sure LMM will get you started on a good path. Can't wait to see what you make!
