Wednesday, April 24, 2013

And Miles To Go Before I Sleep

I had a lot happening in my world on Monday.  It was LMM's birthday and I was excitedly anticipating her opening the present I sent her.  I found this quilt in an antique store when I went home for my sister's wedding last July.

It was still there when I went home in December, so I knew I had to get it for her.  She was really excited to have it.

Monday was also the deadline to receive blocks for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society quilt I'm making.  I received a total of 43 blocks.  The award for the most creative packaging goes to...

...well, I can't remember her name right now and the envelope is at home.  I'll update this later.
Finally, Monday was the day of my quarterly visit to Johns Hopkins Hospital.  Every three months, I drive to Baltimore to see Dr. Michelle Petri who is the director of The Lupus Center at Hopkins.  Dr. Petri is wonderful and has been critical to keeping my lupus under control.  I'm so grateful to have access to a nationally reknown doctor.  LMM nagged me for months to get an appointment there last year.  I'm so glad I finally listened to her.  Life is manageable now, but I still have my days that the pain and exhaustion put me in the bed for days at a time.

This week, I have to finish my soon-to-be-nephew's quilt, 2 teddy bears, and I have to come up with a lay out for the LLS quilt.  I'm tired just thinking about it...

Miles to go...


  1. 42 blocks is amazing!! Will they all fit in one quilt? :) Congratulations in getting the word out!

    1. Thanks, Stephanie. I'm hoping they will fit in one quilt, but we'll see!
