Monday, April 29, 2013

Butterflies and Giraffes

This was a busy weekend for me.  I had loads of fun, but am pretty tired this morning as a result of all the fun.

Friday, after work, I drove to my sister's house in Alexandria.  That evening, we went to see Liner Notes, which is a show conceived and directed by my sister's friend, Paige.  This show was a straight up party!  I can't remember the last time I had so much fun in a theater.  If you are anywhere near the DC area, be sure to check out the show when it returns on August 2nd and 3rd at the Atlas Theater.

Saturday morning, I got up early and did the DC lupus walk.  This was the biggest walk ever, with at least 2,200 people participating.  This year, I walked to celebrate the past year.  It was a trying one, but I think I'm on a great path of being able to keep my lupus under control. It's not too late to support my walk.  If you'd like to contribute, follow this link.

Here I am greeting my nephew, JC.  My sister was being nice and allowed me to touch her belly.  I know she's about sick of that by now.

And this is me at the finish line.

The lupus awareness movement uses purple as its color and the butterfly as its symbol.  There were lots of folks there with butterfly wings on, but this was my favorite pair. 

Her name is Ivy Phaire and she is the creator/owner of Purple Girl Clothing.  I am an instant fan of her tshirts and will be rocking them all summer long.  Please check out her site and show her some love on Facebook.  Tell her I sent you.

After the lupus walk, I went to my sister's baby shower.  My sister has a real thing for giraffes, so just about everything she received had a giraffe on it.  The quilt I made for the baby was no exception.
I found the giraffe fabric at Spoonflower and had fun making the squares.  I quilted this one myself on my domestic machine.  I am so proud of my (mostly) straight lines!
My sister and her husband loved the quilt.

My sister has never really been one to wax poetic about how she feels, so when we had this text message exchange the day after the shower, I was absolutely thrilled.

Her: I almost wanna frame JC's quilt.  I don't want him to spit up or poop on it.  I wanna frame it and use it as artwork in his room.  Do people frame quilts?

Me: You could, but I can put a sleeve on the back of it and you can hang it.  I wish you'd use it though.  It was made to be used.  There are a lot of little mistakes on that quilt.  If you want something to hang, I can make something and put his name on it and you could hang that one.

Her: Ok, well then I'll wait for one with his name and hang that one.  I just don't want him to mess this one up with his stinky because we like it a lot.

And this makes Aunt Kisha very happy.  :)


  1. That is the utmost compliment!!! I have a sister that is very low key also, so I know how you must feel getting a compliment like that.

    1. I couldn't stop grinning. I was so happy that she really liked it.

  2. What a beautiful giraffe quilt! I might not want to use it either! I really like the blue you picked and the modern feel of the design.

    1. Thanks, Jamie! The blue is a Kona, but for the life of me, I can't remember the color right now. If it comes to me, I'll update this response.
