Monday, January 10, 2011

AKA quilt in process

I have never made a quilt that did not have an intended recipient. So far, every quilt I have made has been a gift. Here is the latest addition to that list.

I've been referring to it as "the AKA quilt", but when it is posted in my soon-to-be-launched shop, it will be called "Greek Love". This quilt started out as a simple sketch inspired by my friend, Charmain. Charmain is a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., and as a result, most everything I give her is pink and green (the sorority's colors). I decided that she needed an "official" AKA quilt, if for no other reason than to allow me to put the pink and green color combo to rest when it comes to her quilts.

Here is the initial sketch.

In working on a few other quilts with appliqued letters, I learned that I hate doing zig-zag stitches around curves. I just haven't been able to figure out how to consistently be neat and accurate. This new knowledge threw a monkey wrench into my quilt design. So I decided I would embroider the letters instead.

Here is the first letter. It took about an hour.

Outlining it took about 30 minutes.

I wasn't thinking about the intense labor and time it would take to complete this quilt when I decided to use embroidery and I'm glad I didn't. I might not have done it if I had! There are 19 characters on this quilt. At about 90 minutes per character, it took me almost 28 hours just to do the embroidery. Thank goodness the quilt pattern is simple!
Here are photos of the main body of the quilt before the borders are added.

Tomorrow's posting will be about adding the borders. Stay tuned!
If you are interested in a similar quilt with your organization's name on it, please email me at I'd love to make something for you!

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