Monday, June 17, 2013

Busy...sort of

Life has been busy...well, maybe the better word is "full".  I scrambled to complete the LLS quilt (pics and post to follow later) and a few weeks later, my nephew was born.  In the meantime, my brain has been thinking in terms of color, but not design.  The LLS quilt experience tired me of quilting for awhile.  Lately, I've had no desire to sit in front of a sewing machine to work on anything.  Today was the first day that I had a spurt of inspiration, but it's been more about color than design.  I promised myself that I wouldn't start a new project until my sewing room is complete, so I guess it's a good thing that I haven't been inspired to sew.  I have a friend coming over tonight to help me hang a curtain rod in that room, so maybe it will be a useable space by the end of the week. We shall see.

More to come soon.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for updating us! I was about to email you. ;) I've been in a similar boat with the lack of inspiration to sew. Funny how people sometimes confuse what I'm's not a lack of project...just no want to. Life was overwhelming me. Thank goodness for a retreat last weekend that sparked the fire again. I can just tell I feel happier. Congrats again on the nephew and I hope that creative sewing bug bites soon. :)
